About us

We have been providing services to the society for more than 20 Years and has helped many people in recovering from bad habits and quitting them permanently. He himself understands the complexity and ground reality of this problem and thus has committed himself in making life of others better. Samadhan Foundation thrives to make our society better by each passing day and we believe to make a better tomorrow, we need to change ourselves today and take steps in the right direction. You can directly get in touch with him if you seek any help for yourself or for any near and dear one by calling on 9811077662 / 9212577662.


We are the Best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Delhi and one of the best in India and have been helping people of all ages to recover from habits of various substances. Bad Habits or substance abuse is a common problem these days all over our country and to quit these habits, Love, Care and Concern are required. It is always good to seek help if we are not able to overcome any problem, similarly, Samadhan Foundation helps you recover from your bad habits by following a Holistic approach and providing optimum care. We understand that each individual needs personal attention and as thought process of each of us is different, recovery process and the course duration and approach for each one of us is also different.

What is Addiction?

Prolong use of alcohol of drugs leads to loss of control and craving where the person begins to abuse that particular substance hereby acquiring the lable of Addict/ Alcoholic Addiction can happen to any, regardless of the person’s background, religion, caste, sex, income, profession or education, chemical dependency is a powerful force. It become increasingly difficult for Alcoholic or Addict to arrest the process by themsleves. The good news is that recovery and healing from this dependency is possible. THE DISEASE It is a disease – a multiphasic disorder that leads to dysfunctions of three area of a person’s life, namely :-
(1) Physical
(2) Mental
(3) Spiritual
Thus treatment of this disease also lies in adopting a holistic approach simultaneously treating all the affected areas.

The Treatment

Treatment and rehabilitation of Alcoholics / Drug addicts continue to be top of our agenda. We at Samadhan Foundation offer 12 step recovery programme based on Alcoholic /Narcotics Anonymous, which is an inpatient programme of variable length stay, according to the progress of the patient, in a group system. The method for the rehabilitation of the addict is through extensive use of individual and group our counselling sessions, yoga, meditation, games etc. with emphasis on hygiene and self – discipline. Peer group support plays an important part in imbibing a positive value based system as well as providing identification to the addict who has for so long, been living in denial, delusion and isolation.
So Therefore we have a comprehensive programme that starts early morning at 6 AM and goes on till 10 PM in the night. This helps in diverting the mind as well as combating loneliness, which is a hallmark of an addict. At the end of about 6-7 months clean days of drug alcohol free living, the mental and emotional condition stabilizes so that clarity is the end result.
The center is run with the help of staff who have extensive years of experience in active addiction and sobriety as well. Their experience with the recovery progress provides a real motivation to help others, who are helpless to help themselves. A qualifies Doctor is also available on call.
We maintain an open door policy and are willing to assist anyone suffering from the diseases of Addiction / Alcholism regardless of circumstances.
We request you to extend all the possible co-operation and support, so that the primary purpose of the organization to help suffering addicts / alcoholics can be achieved.

Call 9811077662